and friends
Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
1.1 Hi! We’re Hapilots and we are responsible for this site. Thanks for visiting and reading our privacy notice!
1.2 First things first: if you are under 16 years old, you need to make sure you have your mum, dad or other guardian’s approval to use this site.
1.3 When you use our site we may end up with some information about you. This notice lets you know what information we receive, and what we do with it.
1.4 You have rights to ensure that if you don’t like what we are doing with your personal information, you can tell us to stop. If you want to do this, or make any other requests, you should contact us, by emailing [email protected]
2. What information about you we might collect and when
There are a few different types of information we might receive of yours, depending on how you use our site. We might receive:
2.1 your name, email address, home address and telephone number
2.2 your log-in and password (if you create an account with us);
2.3 your social media handle (if you follow us, message us or comment on our posts on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter etc.);
2.4 any other information you provide (if you post something onto our site, or write to us or one of our authors);
2.5 technical information your computer, tablet or phone tells us, like where you are and the device (e.g. an iPad or PC) you are using; and
2.6 information about your visit to our site, like which pages you visited, any searches you made on the site and other sites that you go to from our site. Some of this information is provided by cookies (little bits of computer software) that operate on our site. For more information about cookies, how they work, and the ones we use on our site, please see our Cookies Policy.
3. How we use information about you
3.1 We use the information listed above either because:
3.1.1 we have asked you and you or your guardian have agreed;
3.1.2 we have thought about it and we think it is fair on you (and us) to do so.
3.2 We will use your information:
3.2.1 to recognise you when you come back to our site, and provide you with content that is better suited to you;
3.2.2 to send you the newsletters and other relevant information that we said we would;
3.2.3 to enter you into our competitions and let you know if you’ve won;
3.2.4 to respond to you when you contact us, or otherwise deal with any of your requests;
3.2.5 to do our homework on who is using our site and our services;
3.2.6 to share your information with people we work with, such as social media platforms (such as Facebook) so that relevant adverts may be selected and sent to you, as well as improve the advertising to other users of the platform. This information about you is provided to social media platforms (such as Facebook) via cookies on our site. For more information on the cookies we use, and what you can do to stop them working when you visit our site, please see our Cookies Policy); and
3.2.7 to run a safe and lawful business, and share information with those who help us to do this.
4. Who we share your information with
4.1 We have people who help us to carry out our business. These people help us to run our website and understand how it is being used, advertise to you (e.g. social media platforms such as Facebook and provide our newsletters.
4.2 If we sell part of our business to another company, all of the information we have collected about you will be sold with it.
4.3 We may also need to provide your information to people who advise us (like lawyers and accountants), or organisations who regulate what we do.
5. How we look after your information and how long we keep it for
5.1 We take a number of steps to ensure that any of the information we hold of yours is secure and protected.
5.2 We will only hold onto your information for as long as we need it to provide the services you have requested from us. We may hold onto your information for longer if we think we will need it for legal claims that could be made against us.
7. Your rights to the information we hold about you
7.1 You have the right at any time:
7.1.1 to ask us to stop sending you newsletters and to delete any information (like your email address) that we hold for that purpose;
7.1.2 to find out what information we hold about you;
7.1.3 to ask us to stop doing anything with the information we hold about you;
7.1.4 to request a summary of the information we hold about you free of charge.
7.2 You also have the right at any time to:
7.2.1 complain about us to the person who protects your privacy rights in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office (https://ico.org.uk);
7.2.2 change your mind about our holding your information;
7.2.3 ask us to stop using any of your personal information;
7.2.4 let us know if you think our use of your personal information is unfair; and
7.2.5 ask us to correct, delete, limit or stop using any of your personal information.
8. Changes to this information
We may make changes to this notice from time to time. We will post any changes to our site, or let you know by sending you an email.